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Fruit And Vegetable Exchange

Fruit and Vegetable Exchange

We spend a lot of time discussing diets with our patients – and a significant aspect of this is increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables that we eat. You can read about why they are an important part of our daily diet here.

Many of our staff are keen gardeners, or have fruit trees or vegetable patches.  We frequently have a staff room full of excess produce that we share.  In addition, patients regularly come in to the surgery with huge boxes of excess fruit which is extremely generous and much appreciated.

We have been thinking that these wonderful free and fresh fruit and vegetables are something that we could share with the Wakefield community – and also something that the community could contribute towards.

Starting on Monday 10th July you will notice a table set up outside the surgery, and anyone in the Community will be able to leave any excess produce that they have on the table.

People can also come and take whatever they want from the table – there is no charge or exchange of money involved – we simply ask that you take no more than you need for that day.

So keep an eye out for our table of fresh produce – it may start small, but with community support we are hoping that this idea will prove popular and beneficial to all.

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